all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 9AA 27 0 55.014777 -1.46249
NE29 9AB 10 0 55.014961 -1.465334
NE29 9AD 17 0 55.015031 -1.466944
NE29 9AE 1 1 55.015611 -1.468171
NE29 9AF 15 1 55.01532 -1.467393
NE29 9AG 18 0 55.01522 -1.465002
NE29 9AH 18 0 55.014871 -1.459252
NE29 9AL 9 2 55.014406 -1.456112
NE29 9AP 24 0 55.014499 -1.45455
NE29 9AQ 20 0 55.0151 -1.462267
NE29 9AR 53 2 55.014532 -1.451859
NE29 9AS 52 1 55.014801 -1.451621
NE29 9AT 15 2 55.015081 -1.453947
NE29 9AX 35 0 55.015296 -1.451849
NE29 9AY 35 0 55.015071 -1.451821
NE29 9AZ 36 0 55.015558 -1.452127
NE29 9BA 29 0 55.015092 -1.454526
NE29 9BB 45 0 55.015036 -1.456012
NE29 9BD 22 2 55.014761 -1.454702
NE29 9BE 30 1 55.014741 -1.456235